Bootstrap Navigation
free templates & themes

A collection of templates for different Bootstrap 5 menu & submenu configurations,
built with the latest Bootstrap 5. MIT licensed - free for personal and commercial use.

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Download Bootstrap Menu Templates

Explore our collection of free templates & themes for menu and submenu

All templates are free to download and use for your personal or commercial projects.

Pages are built with HTMLS, CSS, pure JavaScript & Bootstrap 5 and are fully responsive.

Hover with CSS or JS

Hover with fade-up/down animation

Navbar with megamenu

Large dropdown menu

Dropdown with large sub-menu

Multilevel dropdown submenu

Navbar fixed on scroll

Navbar fixed top

Auto hide navbar on scroll down

Scrollspy navbar

Page darken, screen dimmer

Offcanvas navbar on mobile

Basic sidebar vertical menu

Sidebar with submenu

Sidebar menu with dropdown submenu

Get even more menu components for free

All themes are built with 404 not found

  1. MIT licensed, free for any use
  2. Hundreds of quality components & templates
  3. All consistent, well-documented, reliable
  4. Super simple, 1-minute installation
  5. Easy theming and customization
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